Marko Hasanen
Disciple of Jesus
Born again and baptized in 1993
Born in Paris, France. Citizen of Finland
God´s calling: preaching and teaching the gospel to the nations, apostolic/ prophetic ministry, healing ministry, supporting local Churches around the world
I was born in Paris, France and travelled around the world in my childhood because of my father´s occupation. I started believing in God as a child but left my faith on the side as I became a teenager. I made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly when I was 19-20 years old. I got baptized in water and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, then my life dramatically changed. God started preparing his vessel through many hardships as He instilled His vision in my heart.
I started preaching when I was 23 years old and have preached across denominational borders ever since. Evangelical, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Catholic, Charismatic, Baptist, non denominational and different home churches. I believe the Old Testament and New Testament are God´s Revelation given to man. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for believers and all the offices of the five fold ministry are given for the Church today. You can read about my beliefs here: My beliefs
Be sure to watch videos and testimonies from different missions too!