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What we believe:


δυναμεις κινησεις


Jesus is Lord. Every knee shall bow before the King and it is better to bow volunteerly choosing Him as Lord, than being forced to bow together with His enemies in the end.


The Bible is God´s revelation given to man. The revelation is Jesus Christ himself. The Old Testament points to Christ, the Salvation of God sent for mankind. He is our Redeemer from the curse of Law and He is our ever-living Redeemer.


The Holy Spirit (the defender, the comforter) was sent by Jesus here on earth for His followers and the people not knowing Him yet. He is not just a power to be a witness, but the power to be and become what God has purposed for your life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit never ceased, and every individual believer should represent the power of God in this world through the power and presence of His Spirit.


People go astray from the truth because they do not know the scriptures, and they do not know the power of God. That is why we have so many denominations, sects, churches and groups fighting and judging one another today.


Mark 12:24 "And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the POWER of God?"


There is a need to restore the fivefold ministry operations in modern day christianity. The biblical model of having apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors is simple. It does not require the strange stigma that these titles have been attached with in the last decades. There has been too much emphasis on a three-fold ministry (only evangelist,teacher and pastor), hindering and paralyzing the body of Christ. Apostles and prophets are needed to bring God´s order back in the body around the world. Without these offices in their places, the Church has no authority and is not built as it should be built. Apostles and prophets need to be functioning over and across all denominational borders. 


It is important to know the Word of the Lord but it´s more important to KNOW THE LORD of the Word! 


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